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[食記]台北東區 湯頭之濃郁的ьみф⑦Nagi拉麵
Feb 11th 2014, 07:44, by rene110

作者rene110 (朗德)


標題[食記]台北東區 湯頭之濃郁的ラーメン凪Nagi拉麵

時間Tue Feb 11 07:44:00 2014

餐廳名稱:ラーメン凪 Nagi拉麵 消費時間:2013年/6月 地址:台北市大安路一段75巷5號1樓 電話:(02)2778-1899 營業時間:週日至週四11:30~22:00(週五、週六至23:00) 每人平均價位:NT 200~300 官網:http://www.n-nagi.com/ 網誌圖文版 http://rene001kimo.pixnet.net/blog/post/150830732 很好找的地點,在忠孝復興地下街出口,頂好超市後面的巷子,大紅店面就是他了! 先來看看菜單,大約都兩百多。 拉麵都差不多這種價錢,以前覺得一碗麵200多好貴 吃個餛飩麵乾麵甚麼的100元也吃很飽XD 但現在也習慣這價錢了,到底為什麼是這種錢我也搞不懂 調味料與小菜區,小菜是辣豆芽跟福菜,當然生大蒜也是必備 還有沒在菜單上的餃子,沒有點他來吃,上次在一風堂吃的煎餃給我不好的印象,就沒點 了 平日下午兩點多店員還是很忙,客人還不少! 座位上方的特別菜單,每天會推出一種,今天的是魚王~ 如果是海老王我就點你了阿~ 豚王 NT 200 (加麵 NT 40 BTW加麵只能細麵喔!) 湯頭選擇普通口味,湯頭還是非常濃郁好喝, 重鹹的朋友覺得很好喝,我淺嚐一口也覺得不錯 配料很大方,上面滿滿的木耳跟青蔥(除了蔥還有高麗菜可以選擇) 粗麵,如果選粗麵的話就沒能選擇軟硬度,細麵就可以喔! 黑王 NT 230 以墨魚汁、蒜酥、黑芝麻、青蔥跟特製黑醬的特別組合,我從沒吃過這種口味的拉麵,就 點他來嘗鮮吧! 因為菜單的湯看起來就很鹹,所以我湯頭我選擇了清淡口味 店員建議第一口先不要攪拌,先喝喝看原味的湯頭 恩~這樣喝起來還不賴,果然清淡的口味還是很濃郁XD 後來把所有的料都攪拌均勻,湯就變得非常的鹹 其實我是吃比較清淡一點,拉麵的湯頭我常常都覺得很鹹 後來我加了一杯水才繼續喝下去,這湯頭真的很特別 海鮮味跟原味湯頭搭配起來也不會衝突,其他配料更是襯托出湯頭的美味! 細麵,選擇普通硬度 麵的軟硬度對我來說剛剛好,本人就是愛吃細麵!!! 拉麵完全吸入重口味的湯頭,夠Q彈也很ㄘㄨㄚˋ嘴! 接下來是肉的特寫,我選的是帶有肥肉的,另有全瘦肉可選擇。 但我想說帶點肥肉應該比較嫩,就選擇他了! 果然沒讓我失望,肥瘦各半的豬肉吃起來口感很好 肉很入味也不會太過油膩,而且很大方地給這麼一大塊,還不錯吃! 不過我覺得他長得好像控肉喔XDDDD 半熟玉子 NT 30 每次吃拉麵一定要加點的半熟蛋! 倒是沒吃過很low的半熟蛋, 只要蛋黃閃閃發亮就讓我心花怒放了XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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高中課綱微調核定 日治改殖民
Feb 10th 2014, 23:47



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民進黨批課綱微調 郭正亮:太誇張了
Feb 11th 2014, 00:08



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2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
台股盤前─中場休息時間到 要調整進攻策略了
Feb 11th 2014, 00:10

作者: 鉅亨網記者張欽發 台北 | 鉅亨網 – 




就今晨收盤的美股數據部分,道瓊工業平均指數收高7.71點或0.05%至15801.79。Nasdaq指數收高22.31點或0.54%至4148.17。S&P 500指數收高2.82點或0.16%至1799.84。費城半導體指數收高2.73點或0.51%至538.04。






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2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
Feb 11th 2014, 00:14

國立教育廣播電台 – 

1.高中職以下學校今天 (11) 開學,開學第一週是友善校園週,教育部請各級學校開學後利用朝會或週會宣導反毒、反霸凌及友善校園的意義,並利用海報、貼紙文宣資料,規劃教學活動,相關文宣資料可以上教育部網站查詢。
High school and under start today the eleventh. The first week of the school beginning is named friendly campus week.
The Ministry of Education asks all grades of all schools to use morning or weekly assembly days to do anti-drug, anti-bully, and friendly campus campaigns, so that students can learn the real meanings of all of them. Schools can use posters, stickers and related promotion materials to plan the campaigns. The materials can be referred to from the official website of the Ministry.

2. 103學年度大學學科能力測驗成績單將於2月13號寄發,當天上午9點提供電話和網路查詢,報名時有填手機者的考生,也會收到成績通知簡訊;考生如果到1月17號還沒有收到成績單,集體報名考生請洽代辦報名單位,個別報名考生可以在18號前透過電話語音查詢。
The test reports of the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) for the 2014 academic year will be sent to examinees on February thirteenth. Meanwhile, telephone and Internet inquiry services will be provided that day from nine o’clock in the morning. Those who have filled in their mobile phone numbers when submitting their test applications will be notified of their test results in the form of a text message. If any test taker has not received his or her test report by January seventeenth, group registration examinees please check with the organizations that submitted the test applications, while individual test takers can find out the results through the phone voice mail service by the eighteenth.

3. 高中英語聽力測驗舉行時間有調整,大考中心宣布,104學年度高中英聽第一次考試在今年10月中下旬舉行,開放高三生及重考生報考;第二次考試與104年大學學測一起舉行,也就是學測先考兩天,第三天考英聽測驗,並開放高二學生也可以參加。
The date of Test of English Listening Comprehension to be held will be adjusted. College Entrance Examination Center announces that the first round of the English Listening Comprehension Test of the 2015 academic year will be held in the latter part of October this year and is open to twelfth graders and re-takers to register. The second round will be held at the same time as the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) for the 2015 academic year, that is, the first two days for GSAT, and the third day for the Listening Test. The second round test is open to eleventh graders.

4. 103年國中教育會考將於5月17號、18號兩天舉行,國中應屆畢業生都必須參加。國中教育會考簡章已經公布在各招生區主辦學校網站,比較特別的是違規採「記點制」,違規1點扣會考總積分的1%,2點扣會考總積分的2%,由於各招生區會考總積分略有不同,換算結果會有差異。
Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High Students for the 2014 academic year will be held on May seventeenth and eighteenth, and all junior high graduates-to-be must take the test. The general guide has been released on the websites of every regional test affairs host school. One significant trait is an approach of “point accumulating,” for violation of the test rules, is applied. If one point is noted, one percent of the total test scores will be deducted; and if two points are recorded, two percent of the total test scores will be taken away. Since the total scores of every test region are different, the scores being interchanged will be slightly different.

5. 衛生福利部疾病管制署表示,今年登革熱病例累計有31例,包括本土14例,其中屏東占10例;雖然目前已經過了登革熱流行期,但蚊子可能悄悄躲在屋內過冬,建議民眾定期清除孳生源,徹底清除積水容器,並回收或處理不必要的容器,阻斷登革熱疫情。
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Ministry of Health and Welfare expresses that this year an accumulation of thirty one cases of the infected Dengue Fever epidemic has been reported, including fourteen of virgin soil cases, and ten of them are in Pingtung County. Although the peak season of the epidemic has passed, mosquitos may hide in houses and spend the winter there. The Center urges that all households clear indoor and outdoor mosquito breeding sources, inspect areas where water accumulates thoroughly, and recycle all the receptacles that are not in use to cut off the Dengue Fever epidemic.

Australian astronomers have found a star born thirteen billion and six thousand million years ago, so far the oldest one that has ever been discovered. They believe the star was formed millions of years shortly after the “Big Bang”. The two oldest stars that Europe and U.S. scientists found in 2007 and 2013 respectively are about thirteen billion and two thousand million years old. An Australian scientist, Keller, says the star is in the Milky Way about six thousand light years away from Earth.


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2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
輝星,目標今年上半年回歸..金振浩-趙賢民 模唱者助陣?
Feb 11th 2014, 00:23

輝星,目標今年上半年回歸..金振浩-趙賢民 模唱者助陣?








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批踢踢實業坊 give 板
[感謝] 感謝starCin贈送老夫子門票
Feb 11th 2014, 08:04, by tearsnight

作者tearsnight (tears night)


標題[感謝] 感謝starCin贈送老夫子門票

時間Tue Feb 11 08:04:36 2014

感謝starCin 的贈票 讓我可以去看老夫子特展 雖來晚了PO文 不過還是要謝謝妳 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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批踢踢實業坊 ask 板
[請問] 氣墊床漏氣了,軟啪啪!
Feb 11th 2014, 07:51, by peter007

作者peter007 (自由大貓)


標題[請問] 氣墊床漏氣了,軟啪啪!

時間Tue Feb 11 07:51:30 2014

我睡的充氣式氣墊床,不知哪裡破了?還是裂了 ? 整個軟掉。 請問有人知道該如何找出(測出)氣墊床是哪裡漏 風嗎?還是有其它解決方法? -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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批踢踢實業坊 ask 板
[請問] 電風扇造型 可以散出暖氣的
Feb 11th 2014, 07:26, by holysshit

作者holysshit (shit)


標題[請問] 電風扇造型 可以散出暖氣的

時間Tue Feb 11 07:26:26 2014

FB上看到有人用 不過不知道名稱搜尋不到 想問問名稱 價錢 耗電嗎 會不會不安全 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

Leadgen:暖氣機比較省電 02/11 07:29

bailan:鹵素 碳素 那種很亮,個人覺得不太優 02/11 07:35

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批踢踢實業坊 Kaohsiung 板
[徵求] 安麗會員
Feb 11th 2014, 07:33, by Ericdion

作者Ericdion ( 由心出發 )


標題[徵求] 安麗會員

時間Tue Feb 11 07:33:46 2014

家人想找安麗的產品 徵求一位安麗的會員 要辦入會,求站內第一個寄信 謝謝 -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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